The Interest Group in Specialized Medicine (GIMS) is a committee of medical students aimed at introducing their colleagues to the different medical specialties. The specialties overseen by the GIMS are numerous: internal medicine, paediatrics, psychiatry, physiatry, hemato-oncology, neurology, radiology and dermatology. In addition, since this year, the educational committee is a sub-committee that is part of the GIMS. Each of its committees organizes various activities such as 5@7 or speed-dating to meet patrons/residents of a specialty, conferences, preparation evenings for an externship, post-carms evenings, etc In addition, before the COVID-19 pandemic, there were more clinical skills evenings in which students could discover technical gestures related to the specialty organizing it such as arterial punctures, venous lines, scopy, etc. The pedagogical committee organizes clinical courses that allow you to learn more about a subject, to prepare for a pre-clinical exam or to refresh your memory on a subject when you are at the day school. To participate in the organization of these activities, simply join the Facebook groups of the sub-committees that interest you!
To join us
Alessandro David - alessandro.david@usherbrooke.ca
Leonard Nguyen - leonard.nguyen@usherbrooke.ca
Dermatology Interest Group
Internal Medicine Interest Group
Neurology Interest Group
Oncology Interest Group
Pedagogical committee
Pediatrics Interest Group
Physiatry Interest Group
Psychiatry Interest Group
Radiology Interest Group