Was there an aspect of the residency program that was unexpected and required adaptation on your part?
None if I refer to cardiology, the internal medicine TC having prepared me well. The 24-hour shifts at the hospital were particularly trying for the R1-2 of internal medicine, but fortunately they no longer exist.
Do you follow the recommendations you give to your patients?
Sure !
What do you think is the most difficult medical practice? The easiest ?
In my opinion, there is no more difficult or easier medical practice. The perception of a medical practice is influenced by a set of personal and environmental factors.
Would you be friends with your colleagues if you had met them outside of work?
My colleagues whom I consider my friends might as well be my friends externally.
What do you think is the most important factor for a successful residency in your specialty? A career in your specialty?
A flexible organization brings time and allows to move forward and grow rich without dissatisfaction, no matter at what level.
I often hear that it is very demanding as a practice, is that true?
Yes at times. On the other hand, it would be dishonest to say that these requirements are not found in other practices or fields outside health. The efforts bear fruit.
Does Cardiology have a very difficult, busy and unbalanced lifestyle?
Prioritize a healthy lifestyle are my daily recommendations to my patients and those around me. I am a cardiologist and I consider myself to have a healthy and balanced life.
Is non-interventional cardiology a competitive specialty?
There is always room for healthy competition, but not for unhealthy ones. The level of competition usually depends on the person's goals.
What is your favorite alcoholic drink?
What personality traits are typical of your profession?
Goal-oriented, hard-working…and likes to party.
What do you dislike most about your practice?
The heavy administrative burden that comes with clinical practice.
Is the residency in cardiology the most difficult?
It is demanding but not difficult if you have the sting. In terms of hours worked, it is probably in the top 1/4 of hours worked.
What is most interesting in cardio for you?
To see the rapid or even immediate impact of the therapeutic decisions taken and the treatments instituted.
If you had any advice for students wanting to pursue your specialty, what would you recommend?
It is important to choose the specialty according to the type of chronic patient of this specialty because it will be your bread and butter. For cardiology, it is the best specialty. Do not hesitate if you are interested. I still have a very good quality of life for those who are interested.
What specialty would you never do? Why?
Psychiatry. Too abstract and lacks objective data to work with (long live ECG and troponins!)
What is the best advice you have received?
“Treat others as you would like to be treated. »
What is the most common criticism you receive?
I am currently unable to answer this question. On the other hand, I remain with the listening, because usually any criticism makes room for the improvement.
How would your colleagues describe you?
Calm, enthusiastic and respectful of her colleagues. Easy to approach and pleasant to be around.
If you had to specialize in something else, what would it be and why?
One thing is certain, I am a medicus and not a surgeon. It is difficult to answer this question retrospectively when you are passionate about our specialty. Having always liked general specialized medicine and being a specialty that would allow me to touch cardiology again, internal medicine would probably be my choice.
Do students/residents sometimes make you feel overwhelmed?
No. It is partly thanks to students and residents that we stay up to date. I am still learning daily and want to continue learning every day.
If your specialty had to have a romantic relationship with another which one would it choose?
Internal Medicine
Does your specialty take jokes well at work?
Yes, if they are well placed (times and places) and respectful.
During your medical studies, what did you do on a Friday evening?
Several beers with friends. Sometimes we started again on Saturday.
How many hours of work per week on average?
It depends on what we count as working hours. In the hospital on average 50-55h/week.
50-55h per week off duty.
What do you dislike most about your practice?
The heaviness and inefficiency of our hospital system…many frustrations.
What are the difficulties, the least pleasant aspects that you encounter in your specialty?
Lack of hospital collaboration to improve patient care.
What car do you drive?
BMW 5 series
How do you plan your vacation?
I make sure to always have at least two weeks of vacation planning ahead of me. In times of great fatigue, it helps to have something concrete to hold on to.