Pediatric Cardiology
Was there an aspect of the residency program that was unexpected and required adaptation on your part?
Neonatology which is a world apart
What is your favorite alcoholic drink?
What personality traits are typical of your profession?
Caring, caring, conscientious, understanding
Is it possible to work only 4 days a week? (excluding on-call periods which are mandatory!) If so, is this possible at the start of our practice or only after several years of experience?
Yes from the start of the practice
What is the best part of your job?
Have fun with the child, make him react, listen to his answer
Does seeing very sick children have a big impact on you?
No. Illness is part of life even at an early age. After work, I manage to clear my mind and think of something else.
What is one of the most important qualities to have as a pediatrician?
Quiet and accessible
What specialty would you never do? Why?
Pathologist because no contact with the living patient...
How many hours of work per week on average?
What do you dislike most about your practice?
Bring work home.
What are the difficulties, the least pleasant aspects that you encounter in your specialty?
The "difficult" parents. They are often very worried and show this concern to the doctor (the bringer of bad news). You have to get them to talk to better understand them and lower the pressure.
What car do you drive?
Santa Fe Hyundai
How do you plan your vacation?
Talking to my wife